Planning A House Extension? What You Need To Know

If you are planning to carry out house extensions in Christchurch, then there are several things you need to consider before you go ahead with the project. A house extension can make a significant difference to your home, opening up space and creating additional value should you ever want to sell.

However, having a home extension done comes with some challenges and considerations that are best addressed beforehand.

Design It Well

You may have a clear idea in your mind of what extensions you want to do. However, it is critical that you have proper plans drawn up before any work begins. By consulting with a designer and having plans professionally drawn up, you can ensure that nothing is left to chance or forgotten about, such as ensuring that plumbing and electrical work is adjusted or extended appropriately and safely.

Get Approval

You may approve of your extension plans, but your neighbours and the local city council may not. If your neighbours are not well-informed of the project and its timelines, they might oppose you. This could cause delays and headaches that could ramp up the costs and cause you more stress than necessary.

You should ensure that your extension plans are approved by the council first and then by your neighbours second, as preserving the peace around where you live is key.

Find The Right Builder

The cost of extensions can be fairly significant. Therefore, you want to make sure that you’re working with a builder who will deliver as promised. When choosing a builder, try to ensure that they have a good reputation with previous clients and ask to see their previous work.

Ideally, your builder should be a registered Master Builder so that their work is covered by the Master Builder’s 10-Year Guarantee. This also ensures accountability and will give peace of mind.

Aside from ensuring that the builder has the necessary skills and experience, choose a builder that you feel respects you, listens to you and keeps lines of communication open at all times. Openness, honesty, respect and attention to detail are key traits that you want to look out for in a builder.

For professionally executed and quality house extensions in Christchurch, contact us at Rise Residential today! Our friendly team will ensure that you transform your home with as little hassle as possible.